Happening Now

Secretary of State Wes Allen Testifies on Election Administration and Integrity

Secretary of State Wes Allen Delivers Testimony before the United States Senate

Washington D.C. – On March 12, 2024, Secretary of State Wes Allen of Alabama testified before the United States Senate on the crucial topic of election administration and integrity. This significant hearing provided an opportunity for Secretary Allen to address pertinent issues and respond to inquiries from members of the Senate committee. Alabama’s Senator Katie Britt, […]

Get Fit and Find Balance: New Fitness Classes in Oxford

Oxford Fitness Classes

Oxford, AL – Looking to kickstart your fitness journey or add some variety to your workout routine? Look no further than Oxford, where new classes are being offered to help you achieve your fitness goals and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re a dance enthusiast, a yoga novice, or someone in between, there’s something for everyone […]

Learn and Burn: Enhancing Fire and Burn Safety in Calhoun County


Calhoun County, AL – Are you a landowner in Calhoun County, Alabama, eager to learn more about forest and wildlife habitat management, particularly the safe implementation of fire on your property? If so, mark your calendars for an upcoming event that promises to be both educational and hands-on. Hosted by MTM, the Alabama Forestry Foundation, the […]

Diva Dahlia: Cultivating the Queen of Flowers with Care and Precision

Care for Dahlias

Calhoun County, AL – You cannot neglect a dahlia; she is a diva, and will not perform if neglected. If the dahlia neck breaks off the tuber you lose the eye/eyes, which keeps the tuber from producing stems. The body is the battery energy of the tuber (see photo). The body batteries store nutrients so […]

Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department Releases February Monthly Activity Reports

February Sheriff Stats

Calhoun County, AL – The Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department has released its monthly activity reports for February 2024, providing a comprehensive overview of law enforcement operations, jail activities, and pistol permit statistics. Overall Operations – The department has been actively engaged in various activities, tracking and managing its responsibilities. The figures for received and served […]