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Recapping Weaver’s September 12th Work Session and City Council Meeting: Highlights and Updates

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – Weaver held their regularly scheduled works sessions and City Council Meeting on September 12th. 

Work Session

The work session started by praising the success of Heritage Day and complimenting the job of public works in getting the park in great shape and maintaining it throughout the day.

It was noted that Councilman Nick Bowles was taking over for Jay Jenkins as vice chair of the NPO Board.

Public works reported that a 2 inch line was found that tied into the main water line. It was initially thought to be an illegal line, but has been determined to be part of the old sewage system.

Public works is also looking into selling the leaf vacuum for $80,000.

The cost for changing water meters has been researched. To change out 48 meters to a drive-by system the cost will be $34,896 then $255 for each additional meter. For a cellular upgrade the cost would be $38,000 for 36 meters then $282 for each additional one. There would also be a yearly fee totaling roughly $2,000. The cellular option would notify the city and customer if there was a higher then normal usage such as  leak or if a hose was left on. Additionally customers could monitor a live report of their usage. These upgrades are being looked at pending a grant to cover the costs.

Chief Bush submitted the August stats report.

Chief Bunn had no report.

Councilman Burns had no report.

Councilman McRae noted he had been approached by several residents who are concerned with properties that are not complying with code. These violations include vehicles and trash in their yard, burning non-sanctioned items, and grass being overgrown. He stressed again that the city has to have more teeth in the code enforcement to be able to rectify these reoccurring situations. This has been an issue discussed many times, but no specific plan has been started. Mr. McRae volunteered to take the lead on researching other areas and seeing what can be done to expedite complains against reoccurring violators. These changes could include shortened times to resolve the complaint as well as higher fines.

Councilwoman Hamby had no report.

Councilwoman Summerlin had no report.

Councilman Bowles had no report.

A discussion was held on the resolution to adopt a Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan is “piggybacking” of the County plan.

Weaver City Council

City Council 

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Present
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes from August 22nd Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Public Works – Director Ingram shared a proposed sign to honor an Alabama Sports Hall of Fame recipient. After discussion slight changes will be made.
  • Chief Bush – August report submitted. An estimate of cameras in the park is still being worked on. Also there was some vandalism reported in the park bathrooms.
  • Chief Bunn – No Report
  • Administration – No Report
  • Councilmember Burns – No Report
  • Councilmember McRae – Several resident complaints have been made concerning certain properties that are not following codes. The addresses were provided to code enforcement through the reports.
  • Councilmember Hamby – No Report
  • Councilmember Bowles – No Report
  • Councilmember Summerlin – No Report
  • Old Business – None
  • New Business
    • Resolution 2023-07 Adopting a Hazard Mitigation Plan – Unanimously Approved
  • Mayors Report
    • The Mayor praised Heritage Day for going well and complimented the public works department for their hard work. He also thanked the PD and FD for their presence during the event.
    • The Mayor also was optimistic about being approved for the Rebuild Alabama grant for road improvements. This comes after not receiving the grant during the first two installments.
  • Public Comments
    • Mike Warren presented the Senior Center and Fire Department with $100 checks from the Lions Club. Funds were provided from proceeds of Weaver Heritage Day.
    • Allison Dunn spoke about the condition of Forrest Drive and how the school bus would not travel down the road anymore due to the potholes. She requested that it be considered if the Rebuild Alabama funds came through. She also asked to have the drainage issues looked at because the flooding in the city ditches is getting worse. She paid a substantial amount to have the ditch corrected in front of her home, but this is an issue that is larger than just her home. She was asked to meet with Chief Bunn after the meeting to get her address so he could review the issue.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved


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